Thursday, November 29, 2018


Sensitive or Confidential information on a computer.

Viruses. - Viruses are a piece of coding that can used to source personal info or financial details from another persons computer. Viruses can be passed through email or text etc. The recipient sees an emails that will say something like "YOU HAVE WON £1000 CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW TO RECIEVE YOUR CASH." The recipient will open the email and click the button thinking they've won a large sum of money. When in reality they're unknowingly downloading a virus to their computer which will send the creator any personal or financial details the recipient has saved to their computer. A virus can also allow the sender to control the recipients computer and purchase things using the recipients bank details. They can also make illegal searches like "HOW TO MAKE A BOMB" which for those who don't know will flag up to google and earn the owner of the computer a visit from the police. You can prevent viruses from being downloaded to your computer by downloading anti-virus software. However you do want to make sure your downloading the anti-virus software from a reliable source as some hackers will send out emails that say something like
"ANTI-VIRUS SOFWARE!!! DOWNLOAD NOW AND NEVER GET A VIRUS ON YOUR COMPUTER AGAIN"  DON'T ever download ANYTHING from an email even if you think its legit. Do some quick searches and confirm weather the email is legit or if its fake because if its fake you could ruin your computer One virus was so back it was programmed to delete System 32. If you don't know System 32 is what runs our computers. Its like the brain of the computer. Without system 32 your computer will shut itself down and you will not be able to use it anymore as there is no way to reinstall it  once its deleted.

Social Media - We post pictures of each other on social networking sites such as Instagram, Facebook etc. On our social networking applications we have phone numbers, email addresses, names etc. All of these can seen by anyone who you are following and or friends with. This can be dangerous as paedophiles, child predators and rapists exit. All social networking site allow users to block other uses. If you get a friend request from someone you don't know block them. That way if they're trying to exploit you or someone you know it prevents them from see the photos and videos you have posted. If you don't block unfriendly users or people you don't know this could result in Identity Theft. Identity Theft is where a person pretends to be someone they're not for there own entertainment. Identity theft is most commonly used to gain finance from the victims bank account. To prevent this don't include personal info on your social networking profile unless you KNOW everyone you are following.

Answer this question?

Out of all of your friends on Facebook or followers on Instagram how many of them do you actually know personally?

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Health and Safety in Multimedia

Safe Working conditions.
Electricity is one the most common safety risks as it is literally everywhere. I remember when I was 3 my mother  told me "Don't lick your finger and put into a plug socket." I was THREE and knew better than to do something so stupid, however they're people on the planet that would do something like that. Anyway electrical safety is very important.
An appropriate work space will look something like this.

and inappropriate office will look like this.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Implementing Music

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Different Types of media and blogs

Show as many different types of media as I can


This blog was made to inform, entertain and educate.
Blogtor Who.

This bog contains pictures
Blogtor Who.

This bog contains Videos
Blogtor Who.

This blog contains GIFs
Blogtor Who.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

About My Blog

A blog is a regularly updated web page that has one of more theme. It can be informative to educate or for entertainment purposes.

From the blogs I've seen already viewed I would like to include more GIFS.

Final Peer Feeback

The person doing the peer evaluation told me id done everything apart from a post explaining the purpose of my blog. However today on the...